Distributed Computing Platform for Data and Information Automation at the Enterprise level
Tipo de evento: Seminário LNCC
In the today's reality, the computing paradigm shifted from gathering and processing data to the acquisition of information and its knowledge refinement. "Information at your fingertips" is a reality and the users' problem nowadays is to cope with its quality and quantity. Statistically speaking, every year more than two billion gigabytes of new information is generated in several billion new documents in US enterprises and governmental organizations alone. There is therefore, an information flooding process which grows in amplitude with every second. Definitely this process needs to be addressed at all levels of the society from government to industry. Enterprises activity is all based on the information which has to be stored, retrieved and processed, re-stored, refined, presented in synoptic formats to appropriate users, and not in the last run, it has to be secured. As a result, computing environments have to face new challenges; distributed computing platforms, capable of integrating data sources independent of their nature such as structured or unstructured, process data and information in a flexible and scalable way, classify according to flexible classification schemes the information, refine the information and include the results in knowledge bases, perform operations needed for information and knowledge management, etc. are in big demand.In his talk Dr. Ionescu will present one of his research results in the area of automating the information flow and information refinement. The research materialized in a distributed computing platform capable of performing secure, high-performance, scalable and reliable environment for information logistics, and information services. The platform provides automated mechanisms for gathering information from a wide range of data sources, organize, qualify, profile and deliver it in total security to users. The distributed computing platform provides a qualifying layer that intelligently and methodically prunes the quantity of information available while applying reasoning algorithms on it. The talk will concentrate on presenting the architectural challenges for building and controlling the distributed computing infrastructure and on the design and implementation of a 4GL interface for the information automation and control. An example of a real-life application will conclude the talk.
Data Início: 12/12/2005 Hora: 14:00 Data Fim: Hora: 15:30
Local: LNCC - Laboratório Nacional de Computação Ciêntifica - Auditorio A
Comitê Organizador: Dan Ionescu - University of Ottawa - UofO - ionescu@site.uottawa.ca